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Showing posts from July, 2010

Our 1st Anniversary

Wow, very the busy one........ Belum masuk bulan Ramadhan ni, sudah macam ni. Hi yo'll....... What a weekend! My Aiman gone to KK with my parents, and I got all weekend to, what else?, SEW... I completed 1 baju kurung and wore it the next day! 2 more to go!! But since sunday (25/7) is our 1st anniversary, we bought a tiramitsu cake from Kak Lia (my officemate)and ordered pizza. What a nice (sempoi) way to celebrate, eh? hehehe... My idea at first was to celebrate on a beach. But then I thought what a waste of time. So many things to do at home.... So back to the house, celebrating with my bro Baboy. Hmmm...... Hey, check this out! My 1st try on combining pictures into one frame using photoshop. P/S : Happy anniversary Sayang, hope that Allah SWT blessed our marriage, forever n ever... Amin....

Baju Raya

Salam.... Memandangkan raya sdh dekat ni, aku misti buat satu pelan. PELAN MENYIAPKAN BAJU RAYA SECARA BERPERINGKAT MENGIKUT MINGGU. Amacam? Buleh kali ahhh..... Bukan apa, tahun2 sblm ni baju raya nda pandai siap awal. Malam takbir kakal lagi menjahit. Kakak ku lagi kesian. Bajunya raya kedua baru siap... Ani pun ada kakal kainnya utk raya tahun lapas blum bebuat. Kekekekehhhh.... Jangan mara aaaa.... (Barang pree mimang lambat siappp) Jadi dalam pelan tu nanti, aku siapkan dulu baju adik iparku Anoiiii 3 pasang. Pastu baju ku, pastu baju kakak ku, pastu bajuku, pastu baju ku lagi..... dan lagi.... dan lagii... bukan apa, byk bah kainku sudah. Mana yang tahun-tahun lapas, mana yang ku bali, mana yang mentua bagi, mana lg yang mama bagi, mana lagi yang ku minta dari mama.... hehehe.... Membuatnya balum lagi. Harap lapas ni aku ada cukup masa untuk siapkan semua SEBELUM RAYA! Aku rasa boleh dicapai kalau start sekarang. Chaiyoo! Chaiyoo!!

My New Blog Header

Hey, check out my new top header? In case u r wondering, the orchid is my mom's, the picture was taken by my hubby, and edited by me. How bout that? hehehe.... Juz showing of a bit bit.... See ya!


Today i just knew that i might be a scoleciphobic person. Lets read the article from My Anxiety "Scoleciphobia (Fear of Worms)is basically the irrational, persistent and unwarranted fear of worms. Normally, the fear involved is accompanied by some other unlikely feelings of anxiety, panic, and alarm, but depending on the severity of the condition. And though there is just a little or no actual threat, the fear increases as the stimuli gets nearer and more visible. At present, scoleciphobia is one of the most common phobias causing a lot of people of all races and ages needless distress and trouble. Symptoms of Scoleciphobia Typically, a person suffering from scholeciphobia experiences symptoms such as dizziness, excessive sweating, nausea, breathlessness, speech and thinking problems, feeling sick, shaking, heart palpitations, and fear of dying. And just like in cases of most phobias, if in case the condition of the person with scoleciphobia becomes more serious, some...

New Hobby - Photography

I am exited to tell that I got a new hobby. "Photographing". It first come from my hubby when he bought a DSLR EOS 1000D camera, but since he only knew little english, I had to read the manual and tips for him. It is hard to block the knowledge from entering your brain when you are reading. So, here I am. I have zero knowledge on taking photopgraph, so I googled (the most efficient and fast learning tool). It's kinda interesting, and even more when I saw nice and beautiful photographs on flickr. Then I learn photo editing using Photoshop CS. What a cool program!! Check these out!! Too much green??? My cute niece My brother n my father on the roof!! Whats with the new hobby? Hardly have time to do all, now this??? (question to my self, pls ignore...)

Mesyuarat Perwakilan UMNO Bahagian Labuan 2010

Aku bersama Puteri seperjuangan Barisan Pemimpin UMNO Labuan Ahad lepas aku pegi mesyuarat UMNO Bahagian Labuan. Aku memang kurang pengetahuan dalam bidang politik, dan aku masuk politik kerana tugas. Ramai berpendapat bahawa politik ni kotor dan sia-sia. Tapi pada pandangan ku, perjuangan UMNO adalah untuk tujuan yang baik. Memartabatkan kaum melayu. Siapa yang boleh memartabatkan melayu jika bukan orang melayu itu sendiri? Aku harap makin ramai belia berani menceburkan diri dalam bidang politik. Ini tidak, dihambur duit baru mo turun padang. Macamana melayu kan maju??

Busy Busy Busy

Wow, it's been a while again... It's not a surprise though. With this new project and all, i hardly have time to blog. Tup tup Ramadhan menjelang tiba. less than a month now. How I am happy to welcome Ramadhan Al-Mubarak. I start training to wake up early. Hehehe... But I was satisfied with my last year Ramadhan record, No Sleep After Sahur straight!!!! Bravo me..... Really cant wait to celebrate our 1st Wedding Anniversary this 25th!! I hope that I get the biggest no-value-for-money gift ever!!!! A Baby.... Amin...